Monday, June 27, 2011

Cars 2 Movie Time

Soooo Bret and I never...well  rarely go to the movies.
Which means we very rarely take our kids to the movies.
I know I know my poor kids...
But I don't really feel bad about it.
They don't know the difference...
well that's what I tell myself. haha
AND they get to watch movies at home EVERYday!
We knew just had to take our kids to Cars 2!!

My in-laws asked if we wanted to go to the movie today
and OF course we said yes!
First off though my in-laws offered to just take Audrey and Landon...
Hubby said wait a minute...YOU have to take CARSON too!
(He is the main reason why we wanted to go.)
You see Carson asks to watch Cars everyday.
He says in the cutest little voice possible
"mom, watch cars?  Please mama?"
And most of the time I say yes...because he is so darn cute to me.
In-laws said ok then....BUT that means you have to go to because we don't think Carson will be good.
And you know what??  
Papa aka. Bret's Dad aka. Sam Mitchell
was VERY surprised that Carson didn't even move the WHOLE TIME!
He loved it!
 Just like hubby and I thought he would!
I loved it too, 
just like I thought I would :)
I would even say it was better than the first Cars movie....truly.
But that's just my little opinion. ;)
And Yes we are lame because we didn't think about taking pics! 
 Maybe next big outing we go we will take pics...
probably not because we very rarely remember to. 
Boo on us!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I took my kids to Rio at the dollar theater this week. And the price wasn't bad and they even go the 3D experience. So we will see Cars to ghetto style at Movies 8 in a month or so. Lol