Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sometimes Someone Does Something For You, You Can't Believe!

Saturday me and my little family came home from our Pioneer celebration. 
I few minutes later our our friends came over with a pretty awesome surprise!

A leather couch and loveseat!!
Can you believe it??!!!!
I couldn't!!  I still can't!!
Every time I walk in my living room I'm still shocked lol
We did have a couch before these....
but a certain someone sat down on it recently....
and kind of broke it lol.
It wasn't sooo broken we couldn't use it,
but it was  getting uncomfortable lol.
 You see I took care of my friend's children while she was in the hospital.
She was in the HOSPITAL,
of course I am going to watch her kids!
I did it out of kindness....NOT to get something out of it!
She and her husband were soooo grateful,
They bought us couches??
Yes they did.
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life.
Friends that feel more like family.

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