Thursday, October 23, 2008

I went to the Doctor today for my monthly appt. It took forever to see the doctor i waited for over a hour, but besides that it went well, these appt keep me going. I get to have an ultra sound each time i go so i lay there and get to see my baby for 10 min. this time we could see how chubby his little face is. His little hand was up next to his face and he was curled up in a cute little ball. Every time he moved i could see it and feel it. It always makes me laugh when the doctor checks to make sure he is a boy, because his little pee pee is so prominent you can't mistake it for anything but a little boy pee pee. It makes me smile to see him making sucking motions with his mouth. I know I'm pregnant for a reason, that there is a baby actually in there that I'm not just getting huge for no reason. I already love this baby so much, I just hope these next 9 weeks go fast.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Mom showed me these the other day and they are so cute. It seems to be going by so fast. I am getting really excited to see what he is going to look like.