Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sometimes it takes a tragedy to wake you up and make you realize what we take for granted. Recently there has been a tragedy that has occurred to a family close to me and Bret and his family. It has been absolutely heart breaking to watch, the family is doing the best they can considering the situation. The worst part has been to see how it has effected the 16 year old child in the family. I just pray some good comes from this and the family will be comforted. Through all of this it has made me appreciate my family so much more. I am thankful they are all still here on this earth. I love husband and he loves me, even thought we both have faults we can forgive each other and continue to love each other. I am thankful for parents who love each other and for all the love and support they give to me. I am grateful for a having close relationships with my sisters and brothers. Knowing they are there for me when I need them and being able to lean on them and they can lean on me because we love each other. I am also grateful for the gospel and the knowledge, peace, and comfort is gives to me. Also for Jesus Christ and the atonement he made for me, and the knowledge that he knows who I am, what I am going through, and the love he has for me.

1 comment:

Danya said...

It's really difficult to grasp at words and still come up empty while watching someone you love suffer so badly. All I know what to say is something I've learned recently; you may never know what exactly it is, but good comes out of all things.

Just keep prayer, and encourage everyone else to do the same. And PLEASE PLEASE tell me if there is anything we can do.