Friday, March 2, 2012

The fog of Morning Sickness....

If you didn't know I am pregnant!
I'm currently 4 months along, 
and due August 19th.
I have been miserable with nausea and horrible headaches which never seem to leave.
I do have to say I am feeling better....finally.
I feel like I'm 75-80% better on some days,
other days I'm not nearly feeling well at all.
When I'm in the fog of morning sickness I can barely keep my house to a decent level of clean.
In fact it's not clean at all.
Mostly I wait to do this dishes until there are NO clean dishes left....which forces me to clean.
My house is mostly a disaster all the's pretty horrible!
Now I'm feeling better I can't handle this dirty house ANY LONGER!
I feel like I'm spring cleaning.
I'm de-cluttering and deep cleaning everything.
I have to say it feels sooooo GOOD to get my house clean.
When I'm sick I don't pay attention to anything.
Now I'm paying for it lol.
From my carpet to my walls...I have to clean everything.  
The things my kids do when I'm so sick and tired to care what they are doing....
it's pretty gross lol.  
I now just need to clean my carpets,
which I'm hoping to do within the next week.
Then to just keep on top of things from here are out.
Fingers crossed....the headaches and nausea leave completely soon.


The Larsen Life said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I lost the link to your blog for the longest time and I'm so glad I've found it...this was the first post I read :) I'm in utah right now and went to church this past sunday wondering if I'd see you there haha. Maybe some other time when you have 4 kids! That's awesome, I'm so happy for you :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Riis! OH I wish I was in Utah right now....but that won't be happening for me for awhile :(. I hope you are having fun there without me! Yes maybe after I have the baby...maybe for one of the holidays we will be in Utah at the same time and hangout with all our gaggle of kids!