Thursday, July 31, 2008

Busy week

Now that I'm feeling good I can't stand to be at home all day. It's funny how I went from not wanting to ever leave the house to feeling like I have to get out every day! This week I've been making myself busy. I started by going to Costco and the mall, then we went to the distribution center and the LDS book store, and today we went to the mall again and Toys R Us. Now remember everything is at least a hour to a hour and half to drive so it takes my day. Audrey got some cute comfy shoes that I think she will actually wear instead of riping them off as soon as she put them on. (fingers crossed) She also got a baby stroller which she is in love with, it's so cute to see her act like a little mama.
Landon got his first Book of Mormon and scripture case which he has been asking for, for weeks now. I guess it's the cool thing to bring to church. :D He also got a big tub of Lego's that were on sale at Toys R US. It's nice to have a little bit of money to get things for the kids.
While we were at Toys R US Landon made a friend he calls his other little sister. They were sitting in the cars pretend driving together. It was really cute at one point the 3 year old little girl said to Landon "hey do you want to listen to Journey? Ya lets listen to Journey." I asked her mom if she listens to Journey she said no but he husband loves it. I thought it was so funny that the little girl knew she Dad's favorite band. Such cute things that little kids remember and say.


Ashley said...

I like this song to. I like what Kane West does and I usually don't like him that much.
And how cute is that little girl. Where did she get that?

Pays said...


It's Lori again. We have a blog it is: Come and check it out when you have a minute. I added you as a link, I hope that is ok!