Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New Year!

The New Year means a new start for me!  But alas It hasn't been much of a new start so far :(  Getting over missing my family has been ridiculously hard for me!  I don't like being so far away from them....they just have to be sooo awesome.  I am determined however to get on with my life and be fine. So starting tonight I am going to start working out again and try to interact with people older than 6...unless you count the missionaries who have been over to my house twice this week.  Speaking of the missionaries ...I love our current missionaries Elder Goff and Elder Fairbanks!  I love having them sweet and innocent, and my kids adore them.  Having them over reminds me of when I was little living in Texas, the missionaries were at our house all the time...doing their laundry and my mom cut their hair too.  Such good memories I have, and now I get to share those kinds of things with my kids!

Anyway back to the New Year I truly want this year to be better than last year.  I have a lot of work to do on myself to get where I want to be.  I am excited for what 2011 has in store for me!


Robyn said...

Yay for working out! We were wondering where you have been...

Unknown said...

haha I've been in a cave...I mean my house not wanting to leave! No more of that I've gotta get moving! lol

Ashley said...

Ok I feel you! I have to start working out again. I am getting chubby! It seems marriage agrees with me.