Friday, November 18, 2011


 Remember when I went to Utah just recently?
You know for my sisters wedding?
Ok well on that plane ride I sat next to....
a professional song writer.
We started talking and
 can I say this person 
is the best person ....I have ever sat next to on an airplane....
hands down!
I think was it fate?
Out of all the seats and people on this plane
I just happen to sit next to a professional song writer??
I don't know if it was fate or not,
but I do feel so lucky to have met this person.
It is a dream for me to work with a professional,
and write a song.
I am having that chance right now!
This person has turned my idea into something I could only wish to do.
I do not have any professional training,
I have not gone to college,
and only a hand full of months of piano lessons when I was 10.
 I am so limited to what I can create on my own.
Working with someone who has all the training I don't have is
This person makes me want to get serious about song writing.
I enjoy it as my hobby.
I don't know,
but maybe one day I will actually record a song or an album!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Is that person helping you produce a song???