Monday, May 27, 2013

The Carb Nite Solution week 13

I just finished week 13,
and I lost 2 lbs.
I'm down a total of 18.5 lbs,
and it feels good!!
Which leaves me with 7.5 lbs to go until I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
But I gained 5 lbs right before I got preggers,
 so I really have 12.5 lbs to be at my goal weight.
To be only 12.5 lbs away to my goal weight seem so doable! 
And to be able to have this weight off by the time my baby turns 1 year old (or close to it)....
is AMAZING for me!
It took me so long to get the pregnancy weight off last time I was preggers.
This time...well I'm proud of myself!
See the consistency is paying off!
If you aren't doing this diet,
but you are on a diet or working out.
Don't stop!
Consistency always pays off.
It takes so much time and effort to get results,
but they come.
I'm not one for quick weight loss or an easy fix.
It doesn't work.
As soon as you stop,
the weight comes right back.
Slow weight loss and sticking to your workout,
The more effort you put in,
the more you'll work at keeping it off.
So keep up!
You and I can do it.

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