Monday, July 18, 2011

Children's Books

I recently purchased two of my favorite children's books.
These two books I remember from my own childhood!
They are...
(This book has the most a beautiful illustrations EVER!
When I read this book to Audrey,
 it completely brought me back to when I was a little girl!
It was such a surreal moment!)
I didn't realize they were from the same author until they arrived! 
Kinda a coincidence I guess haha
Audrey has fallen in love with these books,
just like I did when I was her age!
She loves how the author's name is Audrey. 
I think she thinks... she is Audrey Wood. lol
She asked me the other night
 "Mom what's my other name?"
I was curious on what she meant.
I asked "you mean your middle name, Marie?" 
"Your last name Mitchell??"
"MY OTHER name..."
"Yep that's it."
I just love this little girl to death!
Anyway I love these books and I am sooo happy to have them.
They literally make me all giddy inside when I read them! lol

What are some of your favorite children's books?  
I am trying to build up my little library!


Robyn said...

I love their books. We have the napping house and we've read the piggies book. They're awesome.

Pays said...

We love the red ripe strawberry and big hungry bear book at our house! I've never read the tooth fairy book. I will have to check that one out.

Ashley said...

I have been thinking about that Tooth Fairy book lately.I always remember ," Loose tooth away." and all the yellow teeth. I need to get that book.