Wednesday, July 6, 2011


When I was growing up my mama introduced my sisters and I to classic movies.
From Audrey Hepburn to Doris Day to Carey Grant.
I remember I just wanted to be just like them.
Carey Grant was a dream!
She showed us all her favorite musicals too and I fell in love with them!
BUT there is one movie that stands out to me above the rest and that movie is...
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 
it's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time!
I have seen many musicals,
 usually there is a part in the movie I want to fast forward ,
 because it has come kind of weird dancing scene haha
....except for 
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
I can sit watch the whole thing without pressing the fast forward button!
I remember I wanting to be Alice but marry Benjamin...not Gideon. haha
My sisters and I would  pretend we were them,
 We would  dance and sing all our favorite songs.
"For they say when you are married in will always be a bride...."
Recently I sat Audrey down and told her there is a movie I want her to watch.
A movies my mama showed me and I now I want to show you that movie.
She got all excited...and I was all excited!
I started the movie....
She sat for a minute....
then decided she didn't want to watch it!
I tried to get her to come back....I said "come here this is one of my favorite songs!"
She replied "BUT MOM it's NOT one of MY favorite SONGS!" lol
I guess she is still to young to get it.
I hope one day she will like the old classics like I do.
I hope one day we will rent a whole days worth of old movies 
and sit with our popcorn, candy, maybe some oranges.
And be completely enthralled in another day in time,
like I did back in the day with my mom and sisters.
Those are some of my best memories!


Ana said...

Taylor I think all I need to say is ME TOO!!!! Watching musicals with my Mom and sisters is one of my most cherished memories and I have LOVED forcing them upon my kids. I love love, 7 Brides for 7 brothers! The scene where she pushes up her sleeves and starts to clean ALWAYS inspires me to clean my own home!!! I love all the music and know it all by heart. I also love Sound of Music, State Fair, Oklahoma and so many others....I love Fiddler on the Roof and I think the bottle dance from that movie is something everyone should see before they die. YAY FOR MUSICALS!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashley said...

hahahaha I love what Audrey said to you. I always say to Alan...Nice night for a coon hunt. Its currently next in my Netflix queue and I can't wait. I also have Singn' in the Rain. I love old movies.